While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Sunday, March 30, 2008


So today was a nice day. But maybe if you thought that it was late fall or winter and were expecting this kind of weather. I woke up to SNOW!!! It's the last Sunday in March and it's supposed to be SPRING!!!! I can't say that I'm so grateful for it, but I guess we do need the moisture.

I'm very anxious for the spring to really come and stay!! I want to go outside and have it be 65 - 75 degrees outside and enjoy the pretty flowers and colors that come with this change in seasons. It's crazy how the weather works, and if I could really figure out how to program what I want and when I want it to happen that would be something grand. But I guess that is truly not something that will happen in reality, so I might better just go with the flow.

I also didn't like it that much because my windshield wiper totally flew off my car before I ever left my driveway!!! So I had to put the car in park and walk around just to find the wiper blade, and then I managed to get SNOW in my SHOES!!! And you all know that it quite COLD!!! But today ended up a pretty good day!! Even if it did SNOW!!!

The main reason being because my livingroom is cleaned, and the dishes are almost done!!!

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