While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Sleeping Beauty was busy playing away at some computer game and didn't want to eat pudding like the rest of the kids did at the time. She was so focused on this game. Now if I could only direct that same focus on doing her chores.. Life could be grand!!

Smartie Pants pretending that she didn't want me to take a picture of her, but I managed to sneek one in anyway.

Sunshine was nothing but a HAM!!! She started doing her shaky but dance and had fun with her pudding.

T-Man with his PUDDING FACE. How do they eat to get such a mess all over?? I still don't understand.

Little Monster enjoying some nice chocolate pudding. I think he's mastered the art of everywhere but in his mouth.

Who couldn't be happy when they get to eat some chocolate pudding??? T-Man playing in the leaves one day and I decided to grab the camera and see what I capture.

It worked!!! I wanted to get a picture of the boys throwing the leaves up and then letting them fall down -- Little monster got so EXCITED when the leaves were falling on him. I should have video taped this. Oh well. I love how they can find the fun in simple little things. That's one area where I've been truly blessed. All my kids, have great imaginations -- some of them TOO GREAT.


  1. Cool leaf pictures!
    suddenly I have a craving for some chocolate pudding...

  2. Matias and I loved the pudding pictures. We just got done laughing at Ethan's adorable pudding face. So FUNNY!!!!


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