While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Thursday, December 11, 2008



So I just ordered my pictures for my Christmas Card this year and this is what they are like. It was a combination of a few pictures and the help of my friend Christina. SHE'S AWESOME!!! Here were the other pictures that I sent her. I was using a tripod, and the self-timer and T-Man thought the picture was already taken, and well ..... enough said. He was actually running to look at what had been taken.

Picture #1 Picture #2

Picture #3 After the Head Swap. Picture #4 After : This one was with a SEPIA TONE --- This one in color ---- And this one in color with words. And in case anyone is wondering what the heck is up with the Little Monsters shirt -- I apparently didn't button the shirt right to begin with. But hey, it adds some personality and shows what we are like on a more day to day basis. But I could also attribute that to Sleep Deprivation.

So in the words of KIP from Napoleon Dynamite "I love technology, almost more than you, you see. I love technology." Okay maybe not quite a direct quote but something like that.

Thanks again, Christina.


  1. I love your Christmas card! Glad I could help a bit with it -- you've got a cute family!

  2. Great job on the pictures! I especially like the sepia one.


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