While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Friday, September 28, 2007

Eat, play, and WORKOUT!!

This is the gym I played in in High School !!

When I was in high school -- (over a decade ago!!), I was involved with high school athletics. I played volleyball in the fall, basketball in the winter, and softball in the spring. I absolutely loved it!! I like how I felt physically because I was definately in shape back then. I loved competing -- although I wasn't all that good. I had fun while I played and basketball was my ultimate favorite sport!! I pushed myself and felt wonderful!!

Since then I have had five kids and don't quite get the "exercise" that I was once used to. So for the last three weeks, I've had the fortunate opportunity to play church volleyball on Thursday nights and absolutely love it. Most of the ladies haven't played other than in gym class, but it's fun, and it gives me the chance to help teach them something about the game they didn't know before. Most of these ladies that I play with are in my neighborhood and are my friends, so I get a chance to have a night away from the house and the family and get to go play!!

As a mom, I've found that if I don't take the time to take care of myself, mentally, physically, spiritually -- my family will ultimately suffer!! How can a woman take care of her family if she's neglected herself? I'm not saying that we should neglect our duties as a mom just to take care of ourselves but that we need to spend some time each day to focus on us. Make sure that we get the exercise or workout in, and eat!! I find myself not eating when I should because I've gotten to busy to feel like I can eat. So please remember to eat, feed your spirit, and exercise that you may be able to be with your family for as long as we can, as far as we can control it.

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