While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Sunday, August 10, 2008

And our Journey came to an End.

Well, we spent four days coming home, and we finally returned to Utah from our venture back East. I have lots to tell, and a memory card to EMPTY!!! I had SO MUCH FUN!!! Okay it wasn't fun all the time, but overall I really enjoyed it. I'm going to focus this week on getting "organized" since I'm "inspired" right now, and will then begin to post on the highlights of the trip. I think the kids are also GLAD to be at home, and see their rabbits, and sleep in their beds, and more importantly Heidi is really excited because Saturday is her birthday!! She'll be 6 and more of that later too!! I'm relieved that the trip is over but I really wouldn't mind living back there sometime maybe. But it won't be for a few dozen years or so. NOw to get back out of my dream land and back into the reality of being a MOM!! Oh wait, I was still doing that on vacation and --- well now I think I need to take my own personal vacation and get a break from the kids. Anyone want to come??


  1. you are a brave soul to travel so far w/ kids! i am glad you had fun and that you are back safe!

  2. Me! Me! I want to come!! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip and you survived the drive. The east is gorgeous!!

  3. I always feel like I need a vacation after I come back from a vacation -- it's an awful lot of work and generally kids are cranky and out of sorts and not wanting to go back to old routines afterwards. Not to mention the extra laundry and cleaning involved.


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