While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Car Washing Fun

As part of their summer break, we have to make sure that at least 1 hour of chores are getting done each day. Yes, I had a lot of whining and complaining in the beginning. But as I have stuck with this the whining and complaining have almost disappeared. So one day last week washing the car was one of the chores that had to be done. So not only were they working but they could also play in water too!! So of course, I had to take pictures that I actually have proof that my kids do know how to work sometimes. So after doing this for a whole week and almost a half, I'm realizing that my children are contributing to the clean up and our home is starting to look better, and I'm not the one that has to do it ALL!! They really can do things. Even my 3 year old!! Ethan just kind of walks around and watches us, but in time he too will be able to do something. I did discover however that the kids are more motivated to do the chores if I'm working at the same time too!! But if I don't work, guess what -- neither do they!! So they set the timer for 1 hour and some are busy with doing the laundry, and someone else is wiping down walls, and yet if I'm doing the dishes they are drying them and putting them away because we don't have a dishwasher. So the minimum is 1 hour and if they are in the middle of a chore they have to finish the job. Here are the rules for the chores :

  1. If I hear any complaining or whinning I give them 10 additional minutes.
  2. If I hear any fighting or arguing I give them 10 additional minutes.
  3. They have to do something in the house the helps make it look better.

(We'll get to their bedroom, SOON, I PROMISE!!!)

1 comment:

  1. You can never go wrong with playing in the water. And that's so exciting that your kids are doing chores and things are getting better!! Go Wendy!!


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