While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Friday, June 17, 2011

Random summer/pregnancy thoughts

Okay so I've been pushing along the last few weeks since summer has started for my kids and for me, for that matter.

We had the first week as a break with no waking up early to have anyone anywhere on time. Then the last two weeks for four days each week, I've had to have two of my kids at the school for their summer reading camp. Which hasn't been bad either. After that we head up to a local school where they provide lunch free for kids. Which my kids have enjoyed. (So have I, because I don't have to come up with anything for lunch)

I've also woke up a few mornings this last week and completely forgot that I was pregnant. I know, how can I forget?? Trust me, I don't know how it happened, but I can assure you that it didn't last forever. I woke up and was shocked to see that I had a swollen tummy and then it all comes rushing back to me. OH yeah... I'm growing a little person inside of me.

And as this pregnancy started as an unexpected surprise for us, I also feel confident in knowing that this baby will also be the caboose for our family. We know this baby is a little girl, and though I was fighting back the tears when I found out, I'm now overly joyed to welcome a little girl again to our home.

I still have moments though, when my other girls are in each others faces and fighting or just having a hard time getting along for whatever reason, that I start to cry because I know another girl is on the way. I'm hoping though that she will have a mellow personality and that she won't be full of Drama like her older sister Heidi is. (and sometimes Kaylee and Katherine).

I feel this lady moving around all the time, and my kids are telling me how big my belly is now. (To them it looks HUGE and to me, I feel huge). Ethan is so excited to be a big brother, and he's always so concerned about the baby. He likes to come up and rub my belly and he says .."baby".

We're down to 3 more months until she'll make her grand appearance, and I think I'll still need all that time to mentally get ready for being a mom to a precious little child of God again. I'm totally overwhelmed at the task at hand again, but knowing that this is the last one, make me want to be better at remembering these things.

So here are a few more pictures from the pregnancy.

Taken May 12, 2011  --- 23 Weeks 

 Taken May 26, 2011  -- 25 Weeks

 Taken June 15, 2011  ---  28 Weeks

 And here's my brave belly picture at 28 weeks. 
Can hardly believe I have a little human growing inside there.


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