While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Ramblings...

My Random Thoughts for this last week.

Okay so I don't have a dishwasher, which I understand would make my life more bearable. But seeing how I don't have one, that means that I'm the dishwasher. Except for rare times when I might actually get my girls to do them, ha ha. So I don't always use the "rubber gloves" because my hands sweat like crazy inside them, and therefore my hands are in the water "au naturale" --- I've been comparing a few dish soaps lately, and I think I've finally decided that Dawn or Palmolive are the best out there.


Toilet Paper:

Well, I found a kind that I liked and Wal*Mart was carrying it for a while, but then they stopped selling it. So then I was disappointed. But after trying just about every kind out there, I have to say that the Kirklands Signature (or whatever that brand name is) that is carried at Costco, and the rolls are individually wrapped is now my new favorite. I'm trying to stockpile on buying it once a month to build up enough for the "year's supply" --- heaven only knows how much I would hate to be caught without the T.P.


Pots & Pans

Well mine are all OLD!!! I've had most of them since we were married and they are losing their non-stick coating ( well actually they have lost it) and I really need to get them replaced with some decent pots and pans, and not with just one set -- but I need at least 2 -3 of my favorite sizes because I make food in "bulk" and trying to do it without the right size of pan or without the correct number of pans can be quite a process and make a 30 minute ordeal turn into a 3 hour escapade. Maybe this Christmas...?


It seems like everyone I know is now selling their houses and trying for something bigger, better and newer. I don't blame them, but I sure hope that someday it will get to be MY turn. Trying to fit my family of seven in this house that is only 1100sq ft. is getting quite snug. Not to mention we only have one "commode" ( as I heard my father in law actually call it last week).

I really hope that this isn't something bad that I'm hoping for. ??



I HATE IT!!! It was okay when I was the one doing it but being one parent who is home with the kids in the afternoon and having three children that need help with various things, is quite a monumental task. And this happens M-F not to mention all the "reading" minutest that need to be recorded and kept track of. Plus the fact that I only have so much time to get them started with homework, while trying to finish up any tasks that were started before I went to pick them up, and then need to get dinner going right away, if I didn't do anything earlier. There just never seems to be any time to "relax" in the evenings, and my kids are really involved with the extra-curricular yet. I guess these are just some of my "i'm a bad mommy, and don't like the tasks I have to do" thoughts that plague me quite heavily lately.


It's Friday and now it's the weekend. So I feel that we can finally spend some fun time together as a family. It seems to be only on the weekends that we really get to be together. Which isn't so bad, but the time just seems to fly by so fast and never last as long as I want it to, and not only that the kids are just growing at a very fast rate. Not technically, but I swear I feel like it was just yesturday that I first became a mother, and now I'm a mother to 5!! My how the time flies.


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog. i have to put in my 2 cents: i definitely prefer the dawn soap. it really does take grease out of your way.

    i'll see you around...

  2. I think that Palmolive was softest on my hands. Maybe. I usually just bought Ajax.

    I know what you mean about buying a house now. We bought at the WORST time - a year ago when the market started to bottom out. Prices/interest rates were highest. Makes me a little mad.

    Were you able to go to the RS broadcast tonight? Pres. Uchdorf gave a great talk to people who feel discouraged, inadequate, and weary-- ALL of us. It was a really great talk. I wish I had some words of advice......maybe just remember that these days won't last forever.

    And with your dishes - start small. I've been replacing one old pot once every few months. It's not so expensive that way.

    ---I'm excited for the Twilight movie, too!!---

  3. I don't think it's wrong to want a bit more space. We had a bishop tell us years and years ago about how they sat down and made a list of all the things they wanted in their next house, and then prayed specifically that Heavenly Father would help them to find a house that had everything they needed. We've been through that experience twice, and both times, what Heavenly Father led us to was much better than we could have imagined.

    All of my dishes are 11 years old too. =)


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