While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wendy, Wendy quite contrary how does my garden Go??

Well here is the first half of my garden -- we're going to go the same size only extend it to the right end of the picture. Chris has actually now taken down that tree to the right also. This is by our shed in the back it's always grown weeds, but I wanted some color back there and something pretty to look at so I added in some bushes and flowers. And couldn't resist the cute little border fence, although I'm going to purchase two more sections to place on the ends to designate this as a flower bed, so there is no mistaken when my kids are nearby.
Here is our section of garden in our front yard, these are tomatoes and cucumbers.
Here is a flower bed in my front yard, and yes my porch needs some serious work!! We even use the blue buckets as compost buckets, so we're going to try our hand at composting. We'll see!!

1 comment:

  1. I just planted my first garden this weekend and it doesn't look nearly as good as yours! The flowers are kind tall and just flopping over. Pretty sad. But yours looks great! Good for you!


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