While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Problem Solved.

Okay so back in August of 2007 I was going to have an IUD placed and thought it was to be only a $20.oo copay. Lo and behold I get the bill a few weeks later and it says that I owe nearly $900.00 for this procedure because they said the provider was out of network. I was frustrated!! So for the last 5 months I've been calling and calling various office speaking to numbers of people all of which were not able to "solve my problem" --- Today I called the billing office and spoke with a lady who was very kind, and I proceeded to explain the whole scenario to her and she said she was going to call the insurance company and find out what was going on. She called me back and said that, the provider was in fact in network and that the insurance company had processed it wrong. So now they are going to reprocess it and I should only have to pay the $20.o0 copay like I thought. Of course, I shouldn't get too excited -- they might goof again. So until they send me a new statement I'll just pray that it is corrected.

So in the end I've realized that persistence can and DOES pay off!! It was quite tiring and frustrating but I've learned a bit of patience through the whole experience and it just goes to show that you need to examine all of your bills closely and when something looks "abnormal" or not what you expected. Call and check out why -- it just may be some fee that you do have to pay but sometimes it can turn out like this. I finally feel like "things" are starting to go in my favor. I made sure that I told this lady "THANK YOU!! YOU JUST MADE MY DAY!!"

1 comment:

  1. I hate insurance companies...it's always the run-around with them! I'm glad you've worked it out.


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