I've been a LITTLE busy lately.
But that's okay.
I feel ALIVE. Probably for a few reasons 1) getting out and walking the last few days a few times a day to take my children to and from school. 2) I've been busy behind my camera once again. And I LOVE IT!!
I've gone from having 6 kids home all day for summer, to having just 2 until next Wednesday the 29th!
Life is good!
I have desires to keep this blog up more frequently now that my baby is not such a newborn anymore.
I have goals and ideas and someday I'll achieve most, if not all of them.
Here's a snapshot of some things I've been busy with.
FIRST AND FOREMOST: This little Lady is now 11 months old (when the picture was take just a few weeks ago). She's gotten so grown up so fast. She'll be one in just two weeks!! She is such a precious sweetheart though. And we love her tons. (This is my daughter Esther)
Here's a recent family shoot I did. They happen to be family and it was fun spending time with them, that I wouldn't otherwise have gotten. There kids are so cute. And along with being cute, they were really wiggly too. So we didn't get too many pictures before the little guy fell into the water. And I probably would have really tried for more things, but I felt bad for him, because he was so cold and wet. It was still lots of fun though. Thanks Christensen Family! 

Here's a little Princess who I offered to take pictures of for her parents since I knew her mother at college back in the days of Ricks College (1997-1998) living on College Avenue in Rexburg, Idaho. Fun times.
And this photo shoot was still fun despite not being able to use the location they intially wanted because of some construction. Luckily this spot was right across the street. And even though there were other groups that were busy doing pictures too, we still managed to get some family shots that turned out cute.
Or at least I think so.
Not to mention my other children that needed me as well. But one of these days I'll get the hang of being super mom!