So this year I set out to make home made stockings. I picked the fabric up at JoAnn's while they had all their fleece at 50% off. Which did save me a lot of money. I had Heidi and Katherine with me at the time while I picked out the different prints. And I was happy to find out when we got home and showed everyone which print we picked out for them that they all liked our choices. Esther is the only one that really didn't have a say and probably won't be able to let us know for a few more years still. I was able to cut them out just fine and had an idea of what I wanted them to turn out like, but I can guarantee you that they all look different. The first ones had the most noticeable flaws, and by the end I was able to almost master the look I was shooting for in the beginning. So the way I see it ... they all have CHARACTER! And they are home made with love and time which is way more than one from the store would be. The kids didn't see any of them completed before they went to bed on Christmas Eve -- as I stayed up most of the night sewing and cutting out the last 8 pieces that weren't cut out already. And for the top (white) part I just used fleece there as well. And I think they all turned out cute -- but what do you know I think I'm a little biased. I used strap material in white and black for the loops that were sewn in to the stocking as I sewed up the edges. Now our Christmas's will have a little more fun and personality with these delightful additions. We missed out on having any stockings up for decorations this year until Christmas morning, but at least now they are made and will be the ones we use for the next several years. 
Above from left to right : Heidi, Thomas, Ethan, and Esther
Below from left to right: Chris (aka DAD), Wendy (aka MOM), Kaylee and Katherine
So what did you make this year? Any plans to make new items for next year?